I am full professor in the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology in the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering of NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
I am also Head of the Systems Security Group (S2G).

I work in Security and Theoretical Computer Science focusing on developing and using formal methods and tools for ensuring reliability of complex systems, including properties regarding security, safety, and concurrency. Applications of such methods are numerous, e.g., verification of safety properties of software systems (like absence of certain bugs) or of cyber-physical systems like the Smart Grids, ensuring security of Internet of Things, or modelling the concurrency of modern multi-core or high-performance computing. Among methods or models that I have created I can list: the Timed Distributed pi-calculus, the ST-structures, the Dynamic Structural Operational Semantics, the Synchronous Kleene Algebra, or the Higher Dimensional Modal Logic. Together with my students I have worked on developing tools, e.g., together with Manish Shrestha we made the LightSC Security Classification Method for Smart Grids and IoT and the associated usable security tool with the same name; whereas together with Bjørnar Luteberget we made the SAT modulo Discrete Event Simulation method and tool applied to railway capacity verification. A nice and long collaboration with Tore Pedersen has taken me also into the realm of modelling of human behaviour, where some of my contributions are: proposing the Behavioural Computer Science agenda, where models of human behaviour are combined with CS models of system behaviour (execution); or the probabilistic modelling of humans in security ceremonies.
I have done research in different areas of computer science, including modelling of security protocols; (object-oriented) programming languages and their formal semantics; modelling languages and verification of distributed and networked systems; models and tools for parallel programming and concurrent systems; algebras and logics as used in computer science; timed process calculi for distributed and mobile communicating systems; (legal) electronic contracts and privacy agreements (ToS — Terms of Services). My work, more than 60 international articles, has been published in highly ranked conferences s.a. CONCUR, ATVA, LFCS, FM, POST, or CCS, and top journals s.a. JLAMP, IJCIP, FMSD, or LMCS. More recent works usually target concurrency, security, and privacy. I finished my doctoral studies in 2010 at University of Oslo and have been involved ever since in teaching and supervision, in reviewing for international conferences and journals, in the organisation of conferences and workshops, and in the coordination and writing of projects submitted to highly competitive calls, s.a.: EU-FP7-FET-Young-Explorers, Horison-2020, NFR-FRINATEK, UK’s EPSRC, ECSEL-JU.